Living In Ripon Ca
Is Ripon a walkable city ?
Quality of life is subjective and can depend on a variety of things. While some home buyers might want a walkable city that offers ample things to do closer to where they live, others might prefer the suburbs with their tranquil streets, peace and quiet, and proximity to open spaces and nature. For some, the idea of being car-dependent is unacceptable, while for others, a reasonable drive time to their favorite weekend hangout is a dream come true.
Taking that into account, it would be great to know what amenities are available in the neighborhood, and whether you can complete most of your daily tasks on foot. Ripon, CA has a walk score of 60 and a bike score of 68.
The freeway nearest to Ripon, CA is CA-99 .
Also, if you have an electric vehicle and are looking for homes near electric-vehicle charging stations, this neighborhood might be a good fit. There are 1 electric vehicle charging locations in Ripon, CA with 2 level-2 charging points and 4 DC fast charging points.
What are the public transit options in Ripon ?
Ripon Photos
What are the best schools in Ripon, CA ?
The definition of a good school can vary depending on what people are looking for - some might be interested in schools which have great sports programs, while others might be looking at schools that are better at preparing kids for higher education. Since perspective can make a difference, independent bodies like Niche assign ratings to schools and are commonly used by parents to make a decision. However, you are encouraged to verify these ratings through other sources including visiting the campus.
It is not surprising to note that places with highly-rated public schools tend to have relatively higher home prices because of the perpetual demand for those neighborhoods. If you have children or plan on having in the future, checking out the nearby schools and their ratings is a good idea. Colony Oak Elementary School (#6 in metro), Ripona Elementary School (#24 in metro), Ripon Elementary School (#18 in metro) are among 4 A+/A/A- rated public elementary schools in the district. Colony Oak Elementary School (#6 in metro), Ripona Elementary School (#14 in metro), Ripon Elementary School (#11 in metro) are among 4 A+/A/A- rated public middle schools in the district. Modesto High School (#6 in metro), Thomas Downey High School (#24 in metro), Fred C. Beyer High School (#14 in metro) are among 5 A+/A/A- rated public high schools in the district.
Choosing an area with good school rating consistency is important. While the area you're looking at right now might have great elementary schools for your young children, it's well worth examining the middle and high schools they'll grow up to attend. The nearby elementary school, middle school and high school quality ratings from Niche are very similar. If you have children and desire a consistent school experience as they grow up, this neighborhood may be a good place to plant long-term roots.
School info and ratings provided by
School data provided as-is by Niche, a third party. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate all sources of information. Users should visit all school district web sites and visit all the schools in person to verify and consider all data, including eligibility.
What are the activities for kids in Ripon, CA ?
For households with kids, accessibility to nearby parks, playgrounds, daycare centers as well as highly-rated preschools is key. There are a few parks and playgrounds in Ripon, CA, including highland Park, Mavis Stouffer Park, and Mistlin park. These playgrounds provide great recreational facilities for kids, as well as adults. Families can enjoy a nice picnic under the shade in summer months, or walk along the trail for a weekend activity with the kids.
Proximity to good daycare centres is extremely important, especially if the parents have a full-time job. Proximity to urgent care centers such as Ripon Primary And Urgent Care Center is also a plus.
What's nearby Ripon ?
Whether a neighborhood is a good place to live or not could also depend on the nearby amenities. Having a high walk score means that there are a lot of places nearby like stores, restaurants, coffee shops, schools, and more. While the scores are by no means perfect, they are a good indicator for "stuff to do" around those places. Things like proximity to grocery stores, dining options, and parks can make a huge difference in your daily lives.
There are also plenty of dining options for the residents of Ripon, CA . You can grab your morning cup of coffee from TOGO'S Sandwiches, Starbucks, or Isabel's Vintage Cafe and sit down for a relaxed weekend brunch at Subway or My Garden Cafe. Dessert shops like Ice Cream Emporium, Burgess Baking Company, and Dunkin' in Ripon, CA are great options for satifying your sweet tooth. Residents love to order tacos from Esmerelda's Mexican Restaurant, Rosalba's, or Taqueria Ripon and burgers from Jack in the Box, Carl's Jr. / Green Burrito, or SONIC Drive In. Esmerelda's Mexican Restaurant, Jack in the Box, or Carl's Jr. / Green Burrito are some great spots for a fun dine-in experience.
Ripon, CA has quite a few grocery stores including Sav max, Dollar General Market, and Save Mart.
What are the things to do in Ripon ?
Who is the best internet provider in Ripon, CA ?
A good internet and broadband connection is a must-have, whether you work from home or not. Broadband internet connection options in Ripon, CA include terrestrial fixed wireless, Asymmetrical xDSL, fiber, satellite, wireline, DOCSIS, VDSL, and ADSL from 17 different providers. Aside from optic fiber which provides Gbps speeds, you can get up to 987 mbps download speeds via DOCSIS powered by Comcast.
What are the noise levels and air quality in Ripon, CA ?
Most often than not, the higher the walk score, the higher the noise. So if you're an extremely noise-sensitive person and it's absolutely intolerable, you may need to opt for a neighborhood with a lower walk score.
Last month, the air quality in Ripon, CA was good (Air Quality Index, i.e., AQI was 45 for pollutant PM2.5). In 2020, the air quality was bad for 25 days when AQI for pollutant PM2.5 exceeded 100.
Should I buy a house in Ripon, CA ?
Median Home Price
There is one important indicator of knowing how good the neighborhood is - the number of homes sold in the past. A high percentage of homes sold in the past say, 5 years could indicate that it's an up and coming neighborhood with people looking to settle here. At the same time, a neighborhood with low home sales, in spite of getting listed on the market could indicate that current residents are looking to move out. It would be nice to speak to residents of this neighborhood to understand what they loved, or didn't like about living here.
26 homes were listed for sale this month in Ripon, CA. This is 4% higher compared to last month. 20 homes were sold in Ripon, CA this month. 0% more than previous month.
You can also look at several other factors before deciding to make the move. For example, do all the houses in the neighborhood look almost identical? That could mean that the homeowners association might not be the most adjusting. Is there space for parking? Where would your friends and family park when they come to visit you? Your garage could already be full with your own vehicles. How well is the neighborhood maintained? It could help you identify whether you'd want to live next to such neighbors.
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Homes for sale in Ripon
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